Our new book…

Business Growth Formula - Grow Sales, Leapfrog Competitors and Dominate Your Market
Business Growth Formula – Grow Sales, Leapfrog Competitors and Dominate Your Market

Back in the mid-1980’s when I started my first business, marketing was so much easier. We had the “Big 5” to work with: newspaper, radio, TV, direct mail and the Yellow pages. Sure you had some additional ways to spend your ad money like billboards and on the backs of cash register receipts but most money went to the “Big 5”.

I don’t have to tell you that today, the marketing for any brick & mortar business is much more complicated. The result is that many businesses are suffering because they haven’t figured out the “marketing secret sauce” in order to achieve the level of success they’re looking for.

The “Business Growth Formula” will provide them with a “roadmap” . Many businesses are simply looking for direction in their marketing– and this book will provide that direction.

This book covers both “Old school” (offline) and “New School” (online) marketing.   It sets the course without over complicating the issue.

Throughout this book you’ll learn one of the truisms in marketing a business today, and that is “Diversity = Stability”.

To order the book for the cost of $14.95 (shipping and handling is $3.95) simply click on the link below…

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